Friday, January 17, 2020

3 Tips For Hiring One Of The Top Recruitment Firms In India For Your Startup

Every startup assumes that just because they are strong in their own field of expertise, they automatically would be good at growing a team and mentor it to achieve success. But the truth is quite contrasting. It is never easy to find the right people to help your company thrive especially with the current talent market.

Executive Search Consultants hiring is one of the most critical of the positions to ensure the success of the company. Many companies avoid hiring executive search consultants and go DIY on such crucial positions but that can do more harm then good if they went in the wrong direction. With that in mind, we’re offering 3 tips to help you hire one of the Top Recruitment Firms in India

Don’t Hire Your Referrals Unless They Actually Are The Right Fit From Experience And Culture Perspective

This is one of the most common mistakes committed by a startup. Founders and co-founders prefer to add friends and family on their board in the beginning. However, this is a huge mistake because sometimes they lack the relevant experience to do justice to their roles and responsibilities. Not only this poses a negative impact on the overall productivity of the company but it also impacts the team dynamics in the company. Having a firm that offers board advisory services is always a plus as they can guide you on what kind of people you should hire for your core team without basing the decision solely on your personal repo with someone.
Recruitment Firms
Understand The Requirements From The Role Before Interviewing People

Another unfortunate mistake committed by a startup is that they begin their hunt for a candidate by coming up with a generic job description in order to attract variety of people. This leads to a lot of wastage of time and resources in the process. There always remains a huge possibility that you end up hiring not even a single person because none of the candidates fit the criteria. This can pose a negative light on your brand as an employer. So always be prepared even before going out on your hunt for the agency. Prepare a list of requirements you have so that the potential companies can paint a better picture for how your recruitment will look like once you hire them to work for you.
Recruitment Firms
Understand Your Culture And Hire A Culture Fit

After the skill set, the second crucial criteria to hire a candidate is the culture of the company and whether the candidate would be the right fit or not. One of the top reasons people do not make it in a job successfully is because the person is not able to fit in the company culture. Culture can be somewhat tricky to define and so it’s even important for you to understand it better before you go out and hire a recruitment agency as this would be their second question to you after they understood the job requirement in detail.

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