Wednesday, March 4, 2020

AI And The Executive Search Firms

Now that Artificial Intelligence is considered to be the next big change in the top executive search firms. Will the use of AI eliminate the executive search firms and will it be an enhancing tool to help the organizations find their C-suite talent with even more precision with minimal risk and in the least possible time?

So many questions and the answer lies in a balance between the two. AI and executive search firms in Delhi together can help their clients faster in a much precise way.
What Can AI Do To Help In Recruiting?

  • AI can save a lot of time by reviewing hundreds of resumes in the shortest possible time and helping you find the most relevant 10 best candidates.

  • AI would speed up the hiring process by performing low-level tasks that do not need a professional recruiter’s involvement. The use of chatbots can help answer candidates’ basic and frequently asked questions. It can also help in setting up appointments and following up before the interviews to make sure everything is running on time.

  • AI can help search for specific skills and relevant experience. You can simply choose the parameters, and AI can give you the best matches.

  • AI can help eliminate human bias and can work on pure logic.

  • AI frees up recruiter’s time giving them the wiggle room for many important tasks in hand that need clear human involvement such as working on recruitment strategy, creating a deep network of talented individuals, building relationships with the finalists and so on.
AI And The Executive Search Firms
AI And Executive Search

  • In the recruiting world, AI can be used in number of ways. In the world of digital lives becoming an important part of person’s professional life, AI can be very useful in collecting data from your public profiles such as Facebook, Linkedin, Blog Posts, Twitter, etc. This could be a crucial source of knowledge while deciding whether a particular candidate would be the right fit from a company culture perspective.

  • LinkedIn Recruiter is another great example using which many recruitment firms can find the right candidate for a particular executive post. This can be a super helpful way for locating the passive talent who are not actively looking for a job opportunity but would be open to new and challenging roles.
AI And The Executive Search Firms
Significance Of Search Firms

AI can be a great assistant making the entire hiring process speedy and accurate but that being said the significance of search firms does not fade at all. AI can help you find the individuals with just the right skill set with just the right amount of experience but C-suite positions are not only about quantifiable competencies. The executive search focuses on leadership style, cultural fit, soft skills, and emotional intelligence. These are the qualities that only an experienced executive staffing expert can identify and evaluate in depth.

Executive-level positions are complex and need a lot of experience to understand the nitty- gritties involved in a particular job role. AI cannot do this. It takes a seasoned and intuitive human professional with years of experience in the field to understand the unspoken requirements of a role.

AI is incapable of developing relationships with potential candidates. At the same time, AI cannot increase engagement with passive candidates encouraging them to take a leap of faith with them and give a shot to the interview for another position in a competitive company. This is something that can only be done by a human who has invested years in building long term relationships with people.

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