Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Why should you use retained Executive Search Firms in Mumbai?

Clients retain executive search firms in Mumbai who exclusively recruit best candidate for a specific position on behalf of a specific client.  Such executive search firms are called retained executive search firms. This assistance is conveyed through broad research intended to recognize all the potentially available candidates for a specific job and to approach and name the most ideal fit for the client.

Retained executive search firms in Bangalore operates for bothlarge and small organizations.There are also a number of nonprofit executive search firms and academia search firms, depending on your needs. Bad hires are detrimental to the interests of any organization. Executive search firms are retained to prevent bad hires to a certain extent possible. It is estimated that the cost of a bad hire will amount to 2.5 times the salary paid to the person hired. This will add up significantly in case of senior hires and in the long run. Additionally, it can also cause damage to reputation, strategy, and culture of your organization. Even very small amount of poor leadership can have a lasting impact on organizations big and small. Retained executive search firms increases the odds of success of hires, and conducts a thorough background study to arrive at the most perfect candidate.

Executive search firms in Gurgaon works for the clients and not the candidates. A retained executive recruiting firm will not collect fee from the candidate, the cost is paid by the client. They offer different payment models which is affordable to clients of all sizes.The retained executive search firm is paid irrespective of whether the client ultimately decides to hire or not, while contingent executive search firms have a “no placement, no fee” policy.

The process of a retained executives search firm is typically a long one, to account for all different possibilities that may arise during the search. A typical search for a CEO can take up to ninety days to conclude. Therefore, a guarantee of payment is required to let the retained executive search firm conduct a thorough and detailed study of the market.

Generally, the senior the role, it becomes likely that that the recruitment is handled by a retained executive search firm. But for the benefit of the client, it should also be considered that typical retained executives search firms will guarantee placement, and will conduct subsequent candidate search at no extra cost if the proposed candidates are not a match for the client.

However, a contingency recruiting service may be offered by some retained executive search firms,  but this is rather rare. It must also be noted that the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC) who is the trade body for executive search firms and retained executive search firms have outlawed this practice specifically.

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