There is no denying the fact that technology has come to play a key role in speeding up the recruitment process and making it more efficient and manageable. Of the various technological tools being used by the leading HR consulting firms in India and across the globe, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is believed to be the most impactful. Even though, the use of this innovative technology in the field of talent recruitment is still in its initial stages, its wide ranging benefits are already making headlines. In fact, the top recruitment experts are now discussing about the most likely ways in which the integration of AI into the recruitment process can help change its future. The 5 most important ways in which AI can change the recruitment and hiring practices are discussed in brief as follows.

Can Make Hiring Faster And Smarter
Most experts feel that the use of AI can help to increase the efficiency of the hiring process besides enhancing the overall speed of the process. The technology will be used to scan and identify the best candidates for specific job positions in a smarter and more reliable manner. The use of AI is also expected to automate the process of scheduling besides ensuring better responses from candidates through the use of natural language processing. The AI analytics can also come in handy for capturing both qualitative and quantitative data about the candidates to help the recruiters prepare better for situational and behavioural interviews. This will in turn help in minimizing the risk of a wrong match quite considerably.
Can Help Promote Thoughtful Recruiting
Artificial intelligence can prove highly effective bridging the gap of limited human time and bandwidth to ensure better recruitment results. In fact many experts are even considering the possibility of using the technology to conduct interviews with candidates and doing follow ups with them. This can assure the recruiters of an unprecedented communication system in the hiring process. It can go a long way in fine-tuning the recruitment system and minimizing the risk of losing good candidates due to poor communication.
Can Prove Effective In Minimizing Hiring Bias
Hiring bias, both intentional and unintentional can prove to be a major setback for even the best recruitment strategies. This problem can be easily resolved by using AI as an integral part of the recruitment process. The technology can help ensure the assessment of the various skills and competencies without being even slightly partial to any one candidate. The technology focuses solely on matching the provided list of skill sets at both professional and psychological levels with the ones desired for a specific job position. This naturally helps to eliminate the hiring bias that most humans teams are susceptible to.
Can Help Boost Overall Hiring Efficiency
Given that the use of AI can help in streamlining the overall hiring process while also reducing its overall time, it is not surprising that top HR strategy consultants believe it to cause a significant enhancement in hiring efficiency. An increasing number of recruiters have already started using AI for performing the seemingly mundane hiring tasks of scanning resumes, scheduling interviews and even sending routine e-mails. Not surprisingly, they have been experiencing an increase in adherence to established timelines, which is the first step towards increased efficiency and improved candidate engagement.
Can Lead To Perfect Searching And Outreach
One of the major challenges faced by recruiters today, AI is that of expanding their outreach and sourcing of the perfect candidates. The technology can make use of the data available on various platforms and channels to help the recruiters identify the right candidates, including the passive ones. This can help the in expanding the perfect searching and outreach for the recruiters in a highly effective and discreet manner.